Brossac village has all one needs to compliment
stay in The Southwest of France
Brossac Canton
The Canton of Brossac is made up from 12 villages including Brossac itself.
The code cantal is 16 08 and you can find further information within the "The communes of the arrondissement of Cognac"
(the INSEE code is 16066). Canton Brossac is in the department of The
Charente which is part of the region called Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The Population of the canton is 2012 is 2 279 hab. (2012) and the densitie was14 hab./km2 GĂ©ographie Superficie 162 km2
Brossac | 577 | 22 | Boisbreteau | 127 | 15,2 | Chatignac | 204 | 9,8 | Chillac | 195 | 14,6 | Guizengeard | 171 | 14,8 | Oriolles | 245 | 18,3 | Passirac | 246 | 14,7 | Sainte-Souline | 125 | 7,3 | Saint-Felix | 119 | 8,1 | Saint-Laurent des Combes | 91 | 7,7 | Sainte-Vallier | 154 | 18,2 | Sauvignac | 106 | 11,6 |

website was produced by volunteers and interns from La
Giraudiere. To read more about their contribution and how this
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